“Think left and think right
and think low and think high.
Oh think all the things
you can think up
if only you TRY!” -Dr Seuss
Minimalist Shoes
What is so great about minimalist or barefoot shoes & what to look for in a barefoot shoe?
Half-Marathon Training
5 Steps to Training for your Half-Marathon
Backward Goal Setting
Consistency is Key
Do something Different
How can Athletic Therapy Help with Postnatal Concerns?
As a Certified Athletic Therapist, I am able to assess for common pelvic health concerns like diastasis, incontinence, and prolapse through external, over-the-clothes touch. I am here to guide you through your common pelvic health concerns. I love to use movement and exercise as a modality, and I love to see people succeed. My goal is for you to see change in minutes, not hours, days, or months.
The Numbers that Actually Matter
The numbers that matter correlates with my goals. No not the one that shows up on a scale, or the ones that show up in a dressing room, but the ones that make me feel good for who I am and who I want to be, not who society, social media, and magazines want me to be. So here’s my numbers.
I never thought I would run again… But I just ran my first Half-Marathon!
I ran my first half-marathon, and this is the story of how I got there when I started off feeling broken and unable to ever run again.
Research Recap: Exercise and Pregnancy…
My notes on the article Exercise and pregnancy.. by Bo et. al. 2018
When to take your Child to an Athletic Therapist
What is an Athletic Therapist? - Signs I should take my child to an Athletic Therapist - What does an appointment for kids look like?
“Know Pain Know Gain”
How much pain is okay and what is good versus bad pain when it comes to treatment and exercise?