S01 E08 with Val Pelleck CAT(C) - Getting the Most out of your Practicum Placements
In this episode, Val shares with us the importance of field and clinical placements, how those placements work, the top 3 things that students can do to get the most out of their placement, and touches on the importance of prior experience in the Athletic Therapy world!

Episode 5 with Mylène Gagné - Working with a Professional Soccer Team
In this episode, I chat with Mylène about her experiences in working with a professional soccer team. We discussed what it took to get there, highlights, challenges, and recommendations for other Athletic Therapists looking to work with a professional sports team, and we got a bit into imposter syndrome and being a female working with male coaches and male athletes.

Episode 4 with Nikki Smith - What to Look for in a Continuing Education Course
In this episode, Nikki Smith and Ashley Burr discuss what to look for in a continuing education course, what to look for in an instructor, and how to know if the course is right for you!