S01 E10 with Nikki Smith CAT(C) - Setting Boundaries

In this episode, Ashley and Nikki talk about setting boundaries in and out of the clinic. We get into setting boundaries at social gatherings, with your availability, and when clients are asking / talking about topics outside of your scope of practice.

Website: www.revolutionrehab.ca

Instagram: @revolution_rehab

Facebook: Revolution Rehab

Nikki Smith is a Certified Athletic Therapist, owner, and founder of Revolution Rehab Inc. – a mixed therapy, physical rehab clinic in Winnipeg. Nikki has been practicing Athletic Therapy since 2014 and created Revolution in late 2016 to support other rehab professionals. 

She frequently mentors student therapists on Athletic Therapy and the business side of the industry. 


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S01 E09 with Nikki Smith CAT(C) - The Ripple Effect of a Referral