E20 with Rebecca Swan, M.R.Sc., CAT(C), C.S.C.S., TSAC-F, PN1-NC, PN1-SSRC Athletic Therapy in the Police Force

In this episode, Becky opens up about her experiences working with the police force. She discusses the challenges she’s encountered, how she’s navigated them, and the critical role of trauma-informed care in her work. She also offers valuable advice for anyone thinking about pursuing a career as an Athletic Trainer within law enforcement.

Linkedin: @beckyswan1

IG: @beckyswanAT  @bluelinevitality

Email: Beckyswan@me.com

Becky Swan is an Athletic Therapist and Strength and Conditioning Specialist working as the Wellness Coordinator for the West Vancouver Police Department. Not long after becoming a certified Athletic Therapist is 2007, she started working with the Canadian Woman’s Senior and U20 Soccer Teams. Working with sports teams was her ultimate goal when graduating, however, in 2010 she accepted a Fitness Coordinator position with the Vancouver Police Department. It didn’t take long for her to discover that working with police officers and their wellness was a passion– perhaps it is related to the fact her dad is a retired RCMP officer! In 2013 she stepped away from sport and decided to specialize in police officer wellness; in 2018 she completed her Masters of Rehabilitation Science at UBC where she focused on police officer wellness and did a research project that studied effective implementation of physical rehabilitation in police departments based on stakeholder perspectives.  By the time she transitioned from Vancouver Police Department to the West Vancouber Police Department, she had grown her single position to a team that also included 2 additional Athletic Therapists, a Fitness Coordinator and contract physiotherapy and RMT services.

In May 2024, she took on the new WVPD Wellness Coordinator role and is developing the department’s wellness program for officers and civilian staff, focusing on Athletic Therapy, Strength & Conditioning, nutrition and expanding services to create a holistic approach to wellness. Recognizing that she works with a trauma-exposed population, she incorporates a trauma-informed approach in her services. 

Away from her day-to-day work, she speaks internationally at conferences to share new knowledge and trends related to police officer wellness and she volunteers on the Physical Health Working Group and Mental Health Working Group for the International Association of Chiefs of Police as well as on the Board of Directors for the Canadian Athletic Therapists Association. In her free time she tries to spend as much time as possible outside exploring trails and all of the adventures that BC can provide with Daniff pup Mabel an husband Steve.


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